Friday, February 14, 2020

Resource Allocation Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Resource Allocation Report - Essay Example the project lifecycle.   Resource management begins with project initiation, when resource needs and strategies must be analyzed, specified and accepted as part of the project "charter" (IT Tool Kit, 2010). Above definition indicates that the term ‘resources’ does not only mean human resources or labor but it also covers other requirements of the project like raw material, electronics, costs, time, efforts, etc. there can be a number of things which can fall under the term ‘resources’. Resource planning falls in the initiation phase of the project life cycle where project/program manager needs to plan a feasibility of the requirement based analysis in order to form a project team, set deadlines, figure out possibility of the assigned timeline, calculate estimated costs, etc. once initial planning is done, allocation comes in. A program resource management is generally designed to have a direct connection to the overall corporate strategic plan. Composed of a series of similar projects, the goals of all projects within the program are typically consistent with one or more enterprise level strategic components (Tech Republic, 2005). Since project management is headed by project managers, resource allocation or assignment of tasks have to be handled by him in order to achieve the desired goals of the overall project. There may be over of under availability of the resources which he has to manage to achieve the three major elements that build the project; scope, budget, and schedule. This is a little different than the program management, according to which program managers have to look at the bigger picture where they have to check the availability of the resources as per all the active projects. If some resource is engaged with a particular project, he has to manage the conflict between project managers to not engage same resource in some other project. To understand project/program resource management clearly, we also need to understand portfolio

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Children of Illegal Immigrants and Education Research Paper

Children of Illegal Immigrants and Education - Research Paper Example 5). In turn, this has placed them at a disadvantage especially in the job market. A greater percentage of the 62% is of children whose parents are legal immigrants. A survey of five counties in 2004 revealed that 45% of US born children had undocumented parents and the studies further revealed that the education levels of children of legal immigrants were much higher than that of children of illegal immigrants born in US (Caps et al. 6). This has been attributed to the fact that children of illegal immigrants born in US are likely to be faced with higher levels of poverty, which hinders their academic progress as most of them are forced to drop out of school to work. This study seeks to explore medical, psychological, emotional and economic factors contributing to a wide gap in education between children of illegal immigrants born in U.S.A and children of the natives, in order to equip the illegal immigrant parents with a better understanding of what challenges these children are goi ng through so that they can help in bridging the gap in education between their children and those of the natives. ... Sometimes children are forcefully obligated to drop out of school to work in order for them to cater for their basic needs. Undocumented parents may also be reluctant to approach organizations that can aid in financing their children’s education for fear of deportation as opposed to the legal immigrants who can freely ask for financial aid (Capps et al. 12). The other contributory factor is that majority of the illegal immigrant women are less likely to work and because most of them are in the child – bearing age, they are more likely to have more children as opposed to the working class women. As a result, the parents of these immigrant children may find it difficult to finance the education of their many children (Tanakshi 24). Poor educational background of parents of illegal immigrants children Most illegal immigrant parents have less formal education as compared to the native parent. Studies indicate that thirteen percent of parents of immigrant children have less than grade nine educations and a greater percentage lack a high school diploma. The spectrum of higher education also indicates that parents of native children are better educated than the immigrants (Fix and Jeffrey 36). Therefore, this implies that the children of the natives are more likely to be inspired by their parent’s achievements and follow their example or the parents may also be of great assistance especially if the children are having problems with their homework. The studies further indicate that six out of every ten parents of immigrant children are not proficient in English and that a quarter of the immigrant children have at least one of the parents who speaks another language apart from English at